Tuesday 2 June 2015

Summary of May 2015

Summary, April, 2015

Time is flying past. It has been an exhausting month with all the catching up regarding the annual and quarter reports and also with the studies that I seem to have completely ignored. I, of course, have not but I am currently pissed off because I got one big assignment with plenty of bonus points for the exam refused. If you as a teacher allow the students to pick their own topics then you must be competent enough to be able to judge what they pick. If you are not then please give strict assignments is all I have to say regarding it...

I also had one exam last Saturday and I keep my fingers crossed that it worked out because I will not be able to take the re-exam on that one... Next Saturday I will, hopefully, have my final exam for this economy studies. I hope that it will be the very last one and that I will have to make no further exams in this macro economics. My gosh is it annoying. I watched a lecture by Nassim Taleb where he said "much of finance, social science, relies on bogus estimators". The classical rule of science applies everywhere. Bullshit in = bullshit out. No matter how much someone can try to cover the bullshit in the end result will still be the same.

For the previous report please visit Summary of April 2015.

invested, value, May, 2015

From the pie chart above we see that the only difference was a increase of the ETF Austria. I decided to step in a bit heavier last month in it. The total invested value is now up at: 61,893 €

current, value, May, 2015

Another bad month and the current value is now up at: 65,635  with an unrealised profit of 3,742 € which is very clearly less than last month.

Me versus DAX, May, 2015

DAX kept dropping and is now down at 11,436 points which was a decrease of -1.6% compared to last month. My own portfolio once again decreased by less since I was -1.3% month to month and this does indeed mean that I once again beat DAX and now it is twice in a row so let us hope it goes on like this!

Conclusion: Only by keeping up the push of fresh money into my stock portfolio did I manage to keep it floating. I see that very shortly I will no longer be able to keep up the 2k investment unless I get my tax refund soon! But I doubt it... when they need to pay back then they take a long, long time before anything happens.

For the full portfolio report please go to the Stock Portfolio page and if you have suggestions for stocks that I should analyse then please go to the Analysis Requests page.

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