Friday 13 April 2018

E.On annual report 2017

Front page E.On. annual report 2017

For the report in full please go here and to see my previous summary please visit E.On annual report 2016 and to find out more about E.On then please go to analysis of E.On 2017.

Interesting developments in the German market. E.On will buy Innogy from RWE and pass over some of their assets to RWE. This is big. One goes for the net and the other one for electrical generation. Very interesting.

This year E.On actually managed to make some money as can be seen in the income statement below. A large chunk of it and some directly goes to buying the majority shares Innogy. This year they had a profit of 3.9 billion € compared to last year with a loss of -8.5 billion €. The large reason for this profit comes from lowered material costs as well as cutting expenses.

Income statement of E.On 2017

Conclusion: I must say that I feel excited about the deal between E.On and RWE. Two companies that I own, both with a mixture of it all, is now refining their strategies and hopefully this will lead to even stronger cost cuttings. On top of this they also increased their dividend payment compared to last year but of course it is not at the 50% that they locked down two years ago... so that pretty much lasted 0 years. I will remain grumpy shareholder but with a small amount of hope for the future.

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